The Hair Loss Doctors By Robert J. Dorin

Restore Hair Volume with Follicular Unit Transplantation

Nov 29, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Robert True
Tagged with: Hair Transplants Hair Loss

For many people, hair loss is an inevitable side effect of aging. While there may not be anything you can do to stop the aging process, there are treatment options for patients experiencing hair loss. At True & Dorin, we offer a number of hair loss treatments to restore volume to the hairline. One of the most popular techniques is follicular unit transplantation. Follicular unit transplantation uses individual hair grafts to restore thickness to the hair and fill in areas of that scalp that have experienced hair loss. This technique is relied on as a standard at our hair loss treatment center because of the many follicular unit transplantation benefits it offers our New York, NY patients.

What Is Follicular Unit Transplantation?

Follicular unit transplantation, also referred to as FUT, is a hair loss treatment that provides patients with a natural-looking hairline. During follicular unit transplantation, our doctors will remove a long, thin strip of skin from the patient’s donor site (typically at the back of the scalp). From this strip, we will collect individual hair grafts, or follicular units. Follicular units are natural groupings that are made of one to four hairs. The number of grafts that are collected from the donor strip will then be transplanted to other areas of the scalp to fill in balding spots. Over the next several months, these transplanted follicular units will grow and add volume to the hairline.

Benefits of Follicular Unit Transplantation

Follicular unit transplantation offers many advantages to our patients. The proven benefits of this technique contribute to the wide popularity of this hair loss treatment. Below are some of the reasons that follicular unit transplantation is such a great choice for so many of our patients:

Overall, follicular unit transplantation is a safe, effective technique that provides patients with greater hair volume and a fuller hairline.

Contact Us

If you are concerned with hair loss and are interested in learning more about the hair loss treatments available at True & Dorin, contact us at your earliest convenience. Our doctors are happy to examine your specific hair loss needs and recommend a treatment plan that will be most effective for your unique situation.